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The Power of Small Acts at Growing Solutions Farm

Updated: Dec 12, 2024

The following thoughts are from UAS Board Member, Barbara Zawacki.

After 2 years as a UAS Board Member, I’m greatly inspired by our incredible volunteers at Growing Solutions Farm.

This past spring, I got to be one of them as I worked alongside my two grandchildren, Colin and Kaylee, helping with the spring preparation for the planting season. I enjoyed watching and helping them pull lettuce from the ground and prepare it for delivery to the Marillac St. Vincent's Food Pantry – a place where UAS students also volunteer while gaining essential job skills.

Colin and Kaylee in the Hoop House – equipped with heat this year through a generous act of giving.

I love sharing these giving experiences with my grandchildren as they continue to learn that small acts do make a big impact. Whether it's weeding or building a garden, every task at the farm helps support our mission to change outcomes for young adults with autism and related challenges.

I believe that volunteering is a gift that keeps on giving. It's not only something wonderful to share with the next generation, but also with friends, family, and colleagues. When we invite others to volunteer and support an important cause alongside us, we create meaningful connections and make a real and lasting difference in the lives of others. It's together we ensure that the act of giving thrives.

How Volunteers Power Our Farm

Our ongoing summer impact is a result of the dedicated volunteers at Growing Solutions Farm – there is no price tag on the time, energy, and resources they give. This includes installing water tubing for food preparation, reconstructing compost bins, building a pollinator garden, weeding beds, harvesting produce, mowing grass, and providing many other much-needed farm tasks. Because of their hard work, our farm runs efficiently, enabling us to better accomplish our mission. Following are but a few of the remarkable organizations helping us make a tangible difference at the farm this year. Their support, along with that of our individual volunteers, is priceless.

Check out two volunteer highlights that made a big impact this summer.


Ferrara brought in the troops this past July when 21 members teamed up with UAS participants to begin work on a long-awaited project: build a garden filled with

native perennials to enhance the farm's biodiversity and attract more pollinators. Thanks to their hard work, this garden will

bring in more pollinators – leading to a greater harvest of healthier, organic produce.


In addition to helping us get the farm ready for students, the crew from 84.51 played an essential role in preparing and serving food at our Carrots & Cocktails event. Ryan Hensley

and Michaela Delaney from 84.51 were grateful to be part of this experience:

“It was awesome to be able to help smoothly run an event that celebrates all of the hard work at the farm and spreads awareness of UAS and their great work! Every volunteer event that we participate in hopefully leads to more people at our company getting exposed to what UAS is all about . . . who wouldn't want to go work on a couple ofacres of farmland in the middle of a concrete jungle that helps out students in need.”

Meet Our Premier Volunteer: Farmer John

Farmer John has been a fixture at GSF for

the past 7 years. Whether he's repairing wood rot, building park benches, growing turmeric from seedlings, or guiding students in the next farm task, Farmer John has been aninvaluable piece of the farm's impact – and endeared by all who know him. What's the secret that drives everything he does? "I'm one of those guys who is interested in everything all the time."

Farmer John quickly became part of the GSF family when he happened upon the farm one day on a bike ride after moving into the neighborhood. As an avid gardener for most of his life, it was a natural fit for him to volunteer. Now he spends hours throughout the year doing whatever is needed. In time, his vision is to evolve the farm into permaculture: "I really like the idea of permaculture – getting as close to the way nature wants things to grow as we can."

If you belong to an organization that would like to partner with Urban Autism Solutions through volunteering and/or financial support, we would love to hear from you.

Please reach out to us at

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