Cameron, 20, is a student at the Illinois Institute of Technology and is now in his second year of a five-year program in information technology management and hopes to work in digital security one day.
This past summer, Cameron was a participant in Urban Autism Solutions’ summer camp for young adults with autism. He and his fellow campers explored the city using public transportation, cooked lunches together, learned about budgeting, worked at Growing Solutions Farm and most importantly, had a blast. They visited Millennium Park, Chinatown, the Loop, Oak Street Beach and even ate at the Billy Goat.

ABOVE: Cameron working the farm stand at Growing Solutions Farm.
Cameron enjoyed camp so much, he participated in both three-week sessions offered this past summer.
“It’s good to spend time with people who are like me,” Cameron says. “Because then it's easier to be myself and have a good time.”
But once camp was over, it wasn’t the last we saw of Cameron. He has since volunteered at Growing Solutions Farm weekly, assisting with harvesting, weeding and preparing produce for sale at the farm stand.
“We are so happy he keeps coming back to help out,” says Tucker Kelly, lead grower at the farm. “Cameron is a hard worker and enjoys learning about agriculture and being in our outdoor environment."
Cameron also attends the UAS Monthly Meet-Ups at Pompei Restaurant, which bring together young adults with autism for food, board games, conversation and friendship. Cameron also participates in the weekly current events discussion led by Urban Autism Solutions co-founder, Mike Tracy.
“Cameron is a great kid, full of ideas, energy and passion, especially for politics and news, and we are happy to have him as part of our group,” said Mike.
Cameron had so much fun this summer he is already planning to join us again for camp next summer.